Virtual Mobility & Stretching Flow
Stretches for your everyday routine!
Service Description
A weekly stretch class that will debrief, decompress, and destress the body. We will be doing basic movements to help release tension and mobilize joints and muscles. The link will be emailed to you before class. Please arrive a few minutes early to sort out any technical difficulties. Price: $12 **Booking closes 24 before class time.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel your session, please do so at least 24 HOURS PRIOR to your scheduled session. Canceling within 24 hours will result in a late cancellation, with your session being charged in full. I will always email or call you if I need to cancel/reschedule a session 24-48 hours in advance. ​
Contact Details
Last office in building #2 5200 Park Road suite 226, Charlotte, NC 28209, USA